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Star purchases a 12" Pipe bender. Taking our capabilties from 1/2" all the way up to 15" Pipe.
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Star purchases a Pines CNC 6" Tube bender to look after their growing need for 6" multi- bent tubes.
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Star commissions a CNC Cutoff into their operations which takes a large burden off the front end tube cutting and prepping departments.
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Star purchases the latest in
Tube Inspection Coordinate Measuring Machines. This allows our bent tube accuracy to be as tight as 2 thousands of an inch from one end of the tube to the other.
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School Bus market showing huge growth for Star Exhaust.
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Star Exhaust introduces 4" and 5" 409 and 304 stainless steel into their line up.
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2006 Star Exhaust introduces coolant tubes into their catalog.
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Spring of 2004 Star Exhaust introduces 6" Monster pipes.
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Star Exhaust very busy
setting up dealer networks!
Across Canada and
Mid-East U.S.A.
Star Pipe and Tube has been serving the Industrial Industry, Trucking Industry, School Bus Industry, and the custom exhaust fabricators since 1997. Star Pipe & Tube prides itself in our long term customer relations, our ability to provide high quality bent Pipe & Tube at the most competitive prices. Star Pipe & Tube is well known for their Bending Quality, Delivery on Time and Customer Satisfaction. We take the driver's seat when it comes to innovative new ideas and the ability to bring them to market. If you are in the market for a competitive quote and the assurance of quality contact us at our toll free number 1-877-322-2600